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Writer's pictureSMF Focolari

Housing Renovation Project - Jd. Margarida

In the Special Mothers Week, the Project Espalhando Cuidados of CIAPS held a meeting to move forward, with practical actions, in the Requalification Project: a partnership of the Association of Engineers-Architects e CIAPS Project Jd. Margarida.

Important issues were defined with the presentation of the plan/project for the reconstruction of Ms. Lucia, resident of Jd. Margarida and presented by the architect Marcia and the engineers Fátima and Mila.

The son of Ms. Lucia, Luiz Felipe accompanied everything by her mother's side. We are very happy to provide quality of life to the family with great care and responsibility.

Sandra Lemes – Social Assistant– Jardim Margarida

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