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The Milonga Project is an international network, which offers voluntary programs in NGOs for young people from all over the world.

Inter-cultural volunte-ering.

ODS ONU Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sus
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Trabalho Decente e Crescimento Econômic
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The Milonga Project offers volunteer programs for young people between 21 and 35 years old, who want to have a quality intercultural experience in NGOs around the world, with a period of one year.


In our projects, we receive young people committed to carrying out the most varied social activities, training and the search for personal growth. The program currently covers seven countries in Latin America, namely: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela and Uruguay.


The fraternal perspective is born from the experience that young people and adults, for several years, has carried out within the social projects of the Focolare Movement, generating a new form of social action, where the bond between the protagonists is the key to transformation. These agents approach the various communities in situations of vulnerability in order to experience communion and intercultural dialogue, and find together possible paths of social transformation and development.

Actions that transform.

In this experience, volunteers and social works work together to enhance fraternity and cooperation as the main fuel for social transformation.


The young volunteer is accompanied from the beginning of his preparation, still during the effective development of volunteering and, later, of the experience itself.


The volunteer and the host NGO will receive technical and pedagogical support in order to improve the impact of their actions and strengthen the leadership skills and the global citizenship of the young person.

The fraternal perspective is born from the experience that young people and adults, for several years, has carried out within the social projects of the Focolare Movement, generating a new form of social action, where the bond between the protagonists is the key to transformation. These agents approach the various communities in situations of vulnerability to experience communion and intercultural dialogue, finding possible paths of social transformation and personal development.


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Be part of this global network of donors, who help SMF to reduce inequality, through socio-educational activities and actions that create social impact and transform the future of thousands of people assisted.

SMF has the support of individuals, companies and institutions that make periodic contributions. Join us and be part of the change!






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Sociedade Movimento dos Focolari

CNPJ 44.245.488 / 0001-92

Banco do Brasil

AG: 3583-1
CC: 18807-7


PIX key:

CNPJ 44.245.488/0001-92


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Be a volunteer, participant or donor and support this cause.

Crianças lendo livro no parque


QR Code Ajuda SMFocolari

Non-profit association of:  educational, cultural and social assistance nature.


Phone: +55 (11) 4158-3198

Address: R. Dilma Cazoto Nascimento, 94 Vargem Grande Paulista - SP - Brasil

CNPJ: 44.245.488/0001-92

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