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Completion of EJMU Online 2021

We have reached the end of the Escola Jovens por um Mundo Unido (EJMU) Online 2021. This Saturday, 11/20, the last meeting of this semester-long journey was held. This end is, in fact, the beginning of the journey and will serve as a springboard to apply in practice, each in their own spaces, the knowledge acquired in this experience.

"We expanded our borders, during this period we emptied our backpack of what weighed us and stocked it with the luggage we got here on our journey. The school will be like a beacon to guide our walk", said Fabiano da Costa Segato, from the coordination team.

This moment is a point of arrival, but above all a point of departure.

The school's tutors believe that the main legacy of this experience is hope. Because they are young people with a purpose in life, who have been prepared to build true and fraternal relationships for a better society. Other legacies are welcome, encounter and love.

In this last and special meeting, 3 young people were present in person representing all the other young people who were connected online. Nabia Ayshamali Lima, Carlos Gabriel Faria Rabelo and Maria Eduarda Matias Augusto.

Vaudete Bueno, Darlene Bonfim, Fabiano da Costa Segato and Lúcia Helena de Oliveira Parazzi (Coordination Team)

The nostalgia appeared in the speeches, but what predominated was the joy for all the exchange, learning and bonds built.

For Otávio José, a young man from Bahia who attended the school, the expression that best expresses the feeling at that moment is gratitude. "The support of coordinators, teachers, tutors and students was a gift this year 2021. We will miss it, but we learned here that to make the world more united we need to start with ourselves, with small attitudes. love and pass on love to others," he said during the closing.

Maria Aparecida, President of SMF:

"Seeing young people giving warm, emotional, joyful and very committed and renewed testimonies with their own lives and with the Ideal of Fraternity, from the United world, I feel that the School was really worth it. and all the energy deposited by the team in these months of School that were a clear channel of God's graces to them".

"Supporting EJMU is a great satisfaction, it means being sure that you believe in the potential of young people who are currently building a freer, egalitarian and fraternal world. SMF is 100% with EJMU", says Sérgio Previdi, Executive Director of SMF.

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