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Mother and Daughter



Offer support and care to women, mothers and heads of families with children up to 5 years old, whether they are pregnant women, nursing mothers, mothers or grandparents or caregivers.

Who cares with who cares?

The fraying of the social fabric and the “traditional family” concept has created huge gaps in the development and protection of children and adolescents. The preparation of this pilot project arose from the need to contribute to the development of beneficiary women, mothers and guardians of babies and children of pre-school age (up to 5 years), in line with the strengthening of bonds. Many projects are interested in working with children and adolescents. The school itself plays a central role in its development. But who cares who cares?


We want to offer support and care to women, mothers and heads of families; often only in their exercise of “parenting”. Mothers and guardians of children up to 5 years old, whether pregnant, lactating, mothers or grandparents; caring figures.

The project wants to collaborate to expand the income of women from the periphery, as well as combat and mitigate any form of discrimination to women in vulnerable situations. The pilot project "Spreading Care", following contemporary studies, also believes that good care applied in early childhood generates significant socioeconomic benefits to society over the years.

Commu-nity stren-gthening.

Anchored in the concept of community development and strengthening, and in the ethics of care, and in its relationship with social emancipation, we want to guarantee social development to these women through:


  1. Social Visits,

  2. Socio-Educational Meetings;

  3. Social shifts;

  4. Reception spaces for children aged 4 and 5 in the form of a school shift,

  5. Facilitate women's access to the labor market or other types of activity.


The “Espalhando Care” project is based on the culture of dialogue, respecting the heterogeneity of family arrangements, the values, beliefs and identities of families, contributing to the social transformation of their reality, thus generating healthy children and adults capable of emancipation.

We aim to ensure social protection, focusing on especially vulnerable groups: women and children, pregnant women, newborns and people in situations of social vulnerability. Thus collaborating for the eradication of poverty.


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SMF has the support of individuals, companies and institutions that make periodic contributions. Join us and be part of the change!






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Sociedade Movimento dos Focolari

CNPJ 44.245.488 / 0001-92

Banco do Brasil

AG: 3583-1
CC: 18807-7


PIX key:

CNPJ 44.245.488/0001-92


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Crianças lendo livro no parque


QR Code Ajuda SMFocolari

Non-profit association of:  educational, cultural and social assistance nature.


Phone: +55 (11) 4158-3198

Address: R. Dilma Cazoto Nascimento, 94 Vargem Grande Paulista - SP - Brasil

CNPJ: 44.245.488/0001-92

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