A volunteer program for teenagers aged 12 to 17 in situations of social vulnerability at SMF community development centers.

The Educational Volunteering: Educating yourself Educating project is a volunteer program for teenagers aged 12 to 17 in situations of social vulnerability in SMF community development centers. The project has a partnership with the Lucia Helena Cesar State School, located in the Jardim Margarida neighborhood in Vargem Grande Paulista.
We believe that youth voluntary action is one of the best instruments for the prevention of risk factors in the lives of adolescents, such as drug abuse and involvement with violence. We know that the identity of each young person is formed in the eyes of the other and that, during adolescence, the eyes of the group and the community play a decisive role in the formation of their identity.
Through a solid volunteer program, we want to change the community's view of these young people and, above all, develop teenagers in a positive view of their own identity.
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the proje-ct .
Educational Volunteering is a new step in the consolidation of the micro protection network for children and adolescents in the Jardim Margarida neighborhood, since it was born as a response to the diagnosis of professionals such as teachers, school director, public health team, social educators, among others. that deal daily with risk situations of this public in the territory.
Another novelty of Educational Volunteering is the performance of students from the Public Education Network as protagonists in the development of social actions.
The Educational Volunteering project takes place in one of the SMF Community Centers, the Integrated Center for Assistance and Social Promotion (CIAPS) - Jardim Margarida Project, and will be supported by the "Learning and Solidary Service" (ASS) methodology. This is a teaching-learning methodology that seeks to generate meaningful learning through real problems, with the aim of offering concrete solutions and optimizing the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that motivate students to engage and be involved in solidarity with the social context that surrounds them.
(PASO JOVEN, 2004; Tapia, 2006).

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Sociedade Movimento dos Focolari
CNPJ 44.245.488 / 0001-92
Banco do Brasil
AG: 3583-1
CC: 18807-7
PIX key:
CNPJ 44.245.488/0001-92