do Carmo
The Quilombo do Carmo Social Project is a project that serves the remaining community, considered a Brazilian Cultural Heritage by the Palmares Foundation.
A social space for families.
The Quilombo do Carmo Social Project seeks mainly to develop ethical, moral, cultural and social standards, providing opportunities for socializing for children, adolescents, young people and their families.
In addition, the skills and abilities related to the various languages are developed, forming work groups through workshops, such as: dance, music, sports, crafts, computers and pastoral, providing playful activities for personal development.
Through contacts with the municipality, improvements were also appearing in the community, such as electric lighting, improvement of the housing standard, expansion and reactivation of the Public School, implementation of the medical clinic, including dental treatment, the implementation of the day care center and public transportation.
The Quilombo do Carmo Social Project is a remnant community, considered a Brazilian Cultural Heritage by the Palmares Foundation.
In the 70s, the Focolare Movement had its first contact with the community, finding a neighborhood in a situation of social vulnerability. In these 47 years, SMF has provided decent living conditions for quilombolas through interventions in the social area, education, health and housing.
Currently, the project offers assistance to 67 children, 19 adolescents, families and the community, providing space for coexistence and strengthening bonds through values that promote a culture of peace and fraternity.
It offers sports and music workshops for children and teenagers from 4 to 16 years old, capoeira, play, creative development, with educational volunteers and speakers.
As the neighborhood is far from everything, the prospect of a better life is small, so the project depends on donations and collaborations, through sponsorship from entities that can collaborate in some way.
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Sociedade Movimento dos Focolari
CNPJ 44.245.488 / 0001-92
Banco do Brasil
AG: 3583-1
CC: 18807-7
PIX key:
CNPJ 44.245.488/0001-92