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Generation of


The Geração de Futuro project trains young people for the job market and encourages entrepreneurship, developing personal and social skills.

Local entrepreneurship.

The Geração de Futuro project is attentive to the especially delicate situation of young people in the municipality of Vargem Grande Paulista from public high schools, who face great difficulty, when they complete the course, to find opportunities both in higher education and in jobs in the region.

The Geração de Futuro project aims to offer a life skills course, focusing on the development of socio-emotional skills and in a special way on the communication and teamwork skills of the young people involved. Therefore, it tries to respond to a gap in formal education with regard to the integral formation of the subject.


To achieve this purpose, they attend 180-hour training for four months, participating in workshops with content aimed at the development of socio-emotional skills, citizenship, entrepreneurial behavior, simulated situations of selective processes. It should be noted that in addition to the four-month training they receive follow-up for another five months in order to facilitate their insertion in the labor market.


Participants in the project are young people between 16 and 20 years old, from public schools and from the low income community of Jardim Margarida, who are normally removed from the self-support process and extremely vulnerable to risk behaviors and sometimes involvement with crime.

Youth protagonism.

ODS ONU Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sus
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Trabalho Decente e Crescimento Econômic
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The Geração de Futuro Project aims to offer a life skills course, focusing on the development of socio-emotional skills and in a special way on the communication and teamwork skills of the young people involved. Therefore, it tries to respond to a gap in formal education with regard to the integral formation of the subject.

We seek to provide conditions for the insertion of young people from public schools in the labor market, increasing their chance of employability and increasing income, through entrepreneurial training and information technology.

Vargem Grande Paulista, where the project is applied, presents itself as a city of great social inequality. The project aims to combat inequalities, breaking a certain “eternal present” logic in the minds of young people from the periphery of the São Paulo metropolitan area, helping them to think about the future and increase their chances of increasing income in the short, medium and long term. long term.

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Sociedade Movimento dos Focolari

CNPJ 44.245.488 / 0001-92

Banco do Brasil

AG: 3583-1
CC: 18807-7


PIX key:

CNPJ 44.245.488/0001-92


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