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Importance of volunteering

Writer's picture: SMF FocolariSMF Focolari
A two-way street: whoever does and who receives wins

Volunteering is a pillar of the third sector, which contributes a lot to an active and participatory citizenship. This action promotes equality, inclusion and the relentless pursuit of universal fraternity.

Volunteering means dedicating time and skills to helping other people or non-profit organizations without the need for financial compensation. On December 5th, the International Volunteer Day is celebrated, established by the United Nations (UN) in 1985, with the intention of valuing volunteer actions around the world.

Check out the testimony of Matheus, who works at the Jardim Margarida Project as a social monitor. He develops sports, recreation and leisure activities with children and adolescents, and tells how this volunteering experience has changed his life..


Paulinho also shared a little of his life story and trajectory as a social educator with children and adolescents in sports, recreation and leisure activities.

Here at SMF, volunteers are part of everything that has already been built and are essential for carrying out work that impacts society. We are very grateful!

Participate yourself too and be part of the change we want in the world. Know more.

Your time is your greatest gift!

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