Registration for the 2021 Special Online edition of the Escola Jovens por um Mundo Unido (EJMU), of international scope, held at Mariapolis Ginetta, in Vargem Grande Paulista - SP.
Based on the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Focolare Movement, the EJMU aims to contribute to the integral formation of youth, forming young people and preparing them to be protagonists in building a united world.
Time course: from July 3rd to November 20th, 2021, with weekly meetings, on Saturdays, from 10am to 12pm.
For whom: for young people from 18 to 24 years of age (of all nationalities, with a requirement to master the Portuguese language).
Formation: theoretical-practical activities, volunteer service and community life among young people. The program includes cultural activities, development of socio-emotional and spiritual skills, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge in the light of the Unit's charism.
Registrations: The candidate must complete the application form at the link:
Learn more in the following documents: