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Participate in the "Ler Para Crescer Project"

Writer's picture: SMF FocolariSMF Focolari

Donate as many books as you want to the institution of your choice. Editora Cidade Nova will deliver the books and pass on part of the amount collected to support the activities of this organization. Join us, you can make a difference!

To be Editora Cidade Nova is to understand the potential of a child with a book in hand. It is knowing that our future depends on informing and training new generations to do good, especially with content that brings together different cultures, ethnicities and religions. For this reason, we launched the "Ler para Crescer Project" for you to donate as many books as you want, to one of the registered institutions! Part of the amount collected by Cidade Nova will also be transferred to support the activities of that organization. Come with us, you can make a difference! Access the link and donate now!

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