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Projetc MORADA - follow the progress of the work here

Writer's picture: SMF FocolariSMF Focolari

The requalification work of Ms. Lúcia's house is in progress.

We count on the help of our collaborators to carry out this project.

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Photo below: Mrs. Lúcia Anastácio with Ronaldo Marques, architect and Vanildo Lopes da Silva, builder

The GRUPO SIN and SMF embarked on a new project. We invite you to come with us! This is the redevelopment project of Ms. Lúcia's house, in Bairro Jardim Margarida.

The work to refurbish Ms. Lúcia's house follows. A precarious house with 3 rooms where two families live, a total of 7 people in subhuman conditions, one of which does not even have a bathroom. The proposal is to provide independent environments for families, who have all their needs met in the various needs inherent to each one, in particular basic sanitation that does not exist today.

Budget for the MORADA Project - Requalification of Ms. Lúcia house

R$ 24.065,75 (materials) + R$ 8.600,00 (labor) = R$ 32.665,75

Since we have already collected: R$ 8.900,00

We take this opportunity to immensely thank all our collaborators, as without your help, it would not have been possible to imagine the realization of this project.

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QR Code Ajuda SMFocolari

Non-profit association of:  educational, cultural and social assistance nature.


Phone: +55 (11) 4158-3198

Address: R. Dilma Cazoto Nascimento, 94 Vargem Grande Paulista - SP - Brasil

CNPJ: 44.245.488/0001-92

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