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Espalhando Cuidados - have you heard of this project?

Writer's picture: SMF FocolariSMF Focolari

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

The Espalhando Cuidados Project (Spreading Care) – at the Jardim Margarida Social Center in Vargem Grande Paulista is especially aimed at mothers, grandmothers and guardians of children aged 0 to 5 years.

The project is in full swing despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. The meetings have been happening in a hybrid way, in person and online. The ideas of care and strengthening of the caregiver figure are considered as foundations on which the project is being built.

On Saturday, October 2, the first face-to-face meeting took place with a group of 4 mothers, two advisors from the project, Social Worker Sandra Lemes and Dr. Ana Amélia, psychologist specializing in Early Childhood. On this occasion, Ana Amélia was able to develop some themes in an atmosphere of great dialogue and openness with the mothers who awaited this moment with great enthusiasm.

There was an affectionate atmosphere that also allowed for dialogue, exchange of experiences and even talking about memories that we bring with us from our own childhood. I'm confident it was the first of many face-to-face meetings of the Espalhando Cuidados Project. I believe that we have taken one more step towards strengthening the group's bonds and towards a new look at the first years.” Commented Dr. Ana Amélia.

The Social Worker of the JM Project, Sandra Lemes says:

"We realized how much the project is appreciated by the beneficiaries, who in turn have used all the knowledge acquired in their daily lives. Spreading care benefits both those who receive and those who articulate the actions, so that together we contribute to the construction and strengthening of bonds, which we believe is the basis for the good development of the family nucleus”.

One of the aspects highlighted by the project is the importance of reading in the child's world. Therefore, mothers are encouraged and supported in the mission of developing the habit of reading in their children. In this way, it is possible to support the child's autonomous growth with discoveries and thousands of possibilities that open up through the world of reading, while strengthening the bond between the mother figure and the child.

Mothers are very happy with this new horizon that opens up to them: to grow together with their children, receiving and giving a look of care in their own environments.

October 12th is approaching and as part of SMF's actions to celebrate this very special day, the Play Space campaign will be launched. That this is a one-off project for structuring a room at the Jardim Margarida Social Center, to receive mothers and children in a Play Space.

The place contemplates the idea of ​​playful coexistence between children and between them and their companions. In addition, the space allows for the coexistence and strengthening of bonds between adults who frequent the space.

Also in this place, you can already see the reading corner, which will be an essential part of Play Space.

Follow the link to watch the video about our campaign:

To learn more about how to help, contact us or make your transfer:

PIX: 44.245.488/0001-92

Banco do Brasil

Agência: 3583-1

Conta: 18807-7

CNPJ: 44.245.488/0001-92

With a huge thank you to all our employees, without whom we could not dream of carrying out the activities for our clients.

André Prevatto – Project Manager

Play Space: with your help, it will come true!

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