When we started the work of the Invoice Paulista, we knew that it would be a new challenge, as in addition to the need to collect tax coupons, we also needed people engaged with our cause who could help us in the coupon digitization process.
Fortunately, people soon appeared willing and available to help. Here you can see photos of some of the people who make up our good team in action. We are grateful to each one!
A huge thank you also to the companies and businesses that support us by keeping the invoice urn available in their establishments.
Maria Rita de Almeida - Fund-raising - SMF
You can also donate your Paulista Invoice to SMF - Sociedade Movimento dos Focolari, with only 2 actions:
1- Take a photo of each tax coupon
2 - Send the photos to this WhatsApp number: +55 (11) 98751-6383
To take the photo, please focus on the following elements:
CNPJ of the establishment
COO - coupon number
Price R$ =========================================================
See the step-by-step instructions on how to register on the Paulista Invoice website at this link: